Our Garden Project

We are blessed with amazing grounds, full of wildlife - but that does mean that we can be in competition with nature when it comes to growing our own food! Our vegetable patch can be very quickly overwhelmed by nettles and what our two resident rabbit families don't eat, the slugs seem to make the most of! Like many gardeners we found 2024 was a complete right off!

You can see from the image that the garden needs a huge amount of work. 

So... we are starting again and want to build a proper school garden which is easier to maintain and protect from our voracious friends. The goal is to have a large fenced off garden, with a large greenhouse, raised beds, tool shed, compost bins and water collecting butts.

We estimate the starting cost of this project will be £2000-£2500. So far we have raised £600 through fundraising and £400 through a very generous grant from the Somerset Gardens Trust. This has enabled us to purchase the greenhouse which we hope to install early in the Spring.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Marshalls Mells for their generous donation of paving slabs to go around the greenhouse, which were impressively delivered by hand across the field! If you are able to help or know of an individual or business who could support us to reach our goal we would love to hear from you at office@hemingtonprimary.co.uk.

You can see a simple plan for our garden below.

Garden Plan