Special Educational Needs

Hemington Primary is an inclusive school where we celebrate every unique child.

We understand that sometimes children need a different curriculum or approach to meet their needs and help them achieve their potential.

We provide this through both our day to day teaching strategies, and the additional support we give our learners.

For those children who have a specific educational need we establish an individual programme of work in consultation with children and their parents. Children with Special Educational Needs will have a SEND Support Plan (SSP) which is reviewed termly. They are given small targets and goals, and are supported to achieve these through a partnership of teachers, teaching assistants, parents, Mrs Sally Campbell, our SENCo (Special educational needs co-ordinator), and outside agencies where necessary.

Please find our Local Offer here.

Hemington Primary Local Offer 2024-25

Accessibility Plan 2021 -2024

Children With Disabilities Service - Somerset County Council

Foe more information on Somerset County Council's Children with Disabilities Service click here

Somerset County Local Offer

 Somerset County Local Offer please click here