Welcome to the Nightingale Class Page

Class Teacher: Miss Stiff

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Heal



Welcome to Nightingale Class. Our class consists of children from Year 1 and 2.  In September, the children were excited to be back in their own classroom and have settled well.

Routines have been re-established with them. We are all working hard and the children have made some good progress already in their learning.

Please see below for an overview of the topics we will cover this term.

Forest School/First Aid

All Nightingale children have an opportunity to go to Forest School on Fridays in Term 1, 5 and 6. This is very popular with the children. It would be helpful if all children could have a spare pair of wellies in school as we often plan to make the most of our grounds all year round.

In the autumn term, every pupil benfits from learning some basic first aid.


This year PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure youor children come to school on those days wearing their PE kits. Click here for a link to our PE Kit. 



Children are encouraged to read a range of texts at home and school. They will be given phonics sheets to practise in Year 1 and a phonetically decodable reading book. They also choose a library book to share at home once a week.  We encourage you to record their progress in their Reading Record. They also read daily in class. Please talk to your child about what they are reading; discussing the story and characters, the plot, vocabulary and themes of the story are important at this age.

There will be a Phonic Check for children in Year 1 in June.


In Nightingale Class, we follow the Read, Write Inc Spelling Programme. This focuses on a weekly spelling pattern, which we practise in class. Children will also have some high frequency words to practise at home. They have ideas and suggestions for different ways to practise them. This is best done daily for 10 minutes.


DoodleMaths is specially designed to help children practise maths skills and introduce them to new material. It is designed to be used daily for short periods of time. Children who use DoodleMaths regularly show more confidence with recall of fluency facts in class.  Please let us know if there are problems with your child’s log in. 

Click here to access DoodleMaths.