Wednesday 18th December - Christmas Gift Shop
Thursday 19th December, 2pm - Carol Concert at St Mary's Church
Friday 20th December - last day of term
Monday 6th January - Inset Day
Tuesday 7th January - Children return to school
Wednesday 15th January - KS2 10 pin bowling at Bath Leisure Centre
Mon 3rd - Fri 7th February - Children’s Mental Health Week
Tuesday 4th February - Y3/Y4 BANES Multi Skill Festival, University of Bath
Mon 17th - Fri 21st February - Half Term
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
Friday 14th March - Red Nose Day
Friday 21st March - Y6 Trip to Bristol Museum
Friday 4th April - last day of term
Monday 7th to Friday 18th April - Easter Holidays
Tuesday 22nd April - Children return to school
Wednesday 23rd April - KS2 Field 2 Food Learning Day, Bath & Wells Show
Thursday 1st May - Ks1 Trip to SS Great Britain
Monday 5th May - Bank Holiday
Monday 12th - Thursday 15th May - Y6 SATs assessments
Monday 26th - Friday 30th May - Half Term
Wednesday 11th June - Sports Day
Wednesday 11th June - I can, I am Bus visits school
Friday 27th June - Summer Fayre
Thursday 3rd June - Shuffle Up Day
Friday 18th July - Last Day of Term