PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education. RSHE stands for Relationships, Sex and Health education
At Hemington Primary School, we seek to equip our children with the skills and attributes to thrive in life and to make a positive contribution to society. Our focus is for every child to become a healthy, independent and responsible member of society.
Our aim is to empower pupils through PSHE lessons and assemblies giving them opportunities to develop confidence and gain an understanding of their rights and responsibilities within our school, community and the wider world.
We use the Jigsaw PSHE scheme which covers six key areas of learning:
We teach the core British values through our Jigsaw scheme covering:
The scheme also includes social and emotional aspects of learning, relationships and health education and supports our school values and the development of positive learning behaviours.
Please click here to view the PSHE Parent Guide.
Please click here to view our Anti Bullying Charter.
Please click here for an overview of our approach to Relationships, Sex and Health Education