Welcome to Brunel Class


Class Teacher: Miss Derrick

Class Teacher/Academic Mentor: Ms Klinkert

Teaching Assistant: Mrs O'Hara-Hunt


Welcome to Brunel Class. Our class consists of children from Year 3 to Year 6. Every morning the class is split and work as Year 5 and 6, and Year 3 and 4 - each with a designated teacher. We join together in the afternoon for foundation subjects.

Please click here to see an overview of the topics covered in term 5. 


PE is on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure the children come to school on this day wearing their PE kits. Click here for PE Kit list.
Brunel Class swim at the Midsomer Norton Leisure Centre on Thursday afternoons in the summer term.


Developing reading stamina and understanding more complex texts are very important in KS2. Children read daily in class and are expected to read regularly at home. Please encourage your child to record their reading and have their Reading Record signed. Children are presented with Book Worm Certificates in our celebration Assembly every Friday and have the opportunity to be entered for the Reading Raffle. In the classroom there are a selection of books that can be borrowed. Please talk to your child about what they are reading; discussing the story and characters, the plot, vocabulary and themes of the story are important at this age.



In Brunel Class, we teach spellings daily.


Times Tables

Please help your child to practise and develop a quick recall of their multiplication facts. A strong working knowledge of these facts is essential as your child progresses through Key Stage 2. They help to support understanding and fluency with long multiplication and division and fractions.

There will be a Multiplication Tables Check for Year 4 children in June. Click here to see a Parents' Guide to the Multiplication Check.

Year 3

Practise and learn:-

2x, 5x, 10x, 3x and 4x, and 8x table facts

Year 4

Practise and learn:-

6x, 7x, 9x, 11x and 12x table facts

Year 5

Consolidation of all multiplication and division facts to 12x12

Year 6

Recognise factors and multiples, know prime numbers to 50



DoodleMaths is specially designed to help children practise maths skills and introduce them to new material. It is designed to be used daily for short periods of time. Children who use DoodleMaths regularly show more confidence with recall of fluency facts in class.  Please let us know if there are problems with your child’s log in. 


Year Six children will be expected to do some practice at home for their SATs preparation in the Spring and Summer Terms.