At Hemington Primary School we look after the emotional health and wellbeing of every child. We believe that school can help pupils build resilience and support them to be mentally healthy. Our Trust's postive mental health policy sets out how we do this.
We recognise there are the usual ups and downs of life but there may be times when your child is unhappy or struggling more emotionally. You may notice that they seem low or worried or that their behaviour changes. We may notice that they seem withdrawn or upset at school.
If you are worried about your child’s mental health then you are not alone. Many parents and carers have similar worries and stresses. There is good support available from local and national organisations. The sooner you seek help the better for your child and you.
Each year we celebrate Children's Mental Health Week. We also mark 'Hello Yellow' on World Mental Health Day in support of Young Minds.
Local services for children
The following organisations provide reliable information and advice to help parent/carers to support their child when experiencing emotional difficulties:-
Young Minds: Help for Parents Information about all aspects of child mental health, including a Parent Helpline 0800 802 5544.
You’re Never too Young to Talk Mental Health: leaflet for parent/carers of primary aged children.
Childline : Lots of information and tips for children of all ages about feelings and difficult situations.
Minded for Families: Free learning resource about mental health for parents and carers.
Happy Maps: Lots of information about health topics including mental health, organised under different age groups including pre-school and primary age.
Looking after your own mental health
In order to support your child, you need to stay strong and well yourself. It isn’t easy being a parent or carer especially when you are experiencing problems of your own such as relationship difficulties, money worries, problems with work. Often it helps to talk to someone, so don’t be scared about doing this, with friends, family, your GP or a support service. The following organisations can also offer information and advice to help you.
Talking Therapies Accessed through G.P or self-referral.
Mind in Somerset Tel: 01749 533115 or 01823 276892
Samaritans Tel: free 116 123
NHS Choices: moodzone. Helps manage stress, anxiety, depression. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/improve-mental-wellbeing
CALM Campaign against living miserably
The Wellbeing College Directory and database of groups, activities and courses in the community that can support adult wellbeing for BANES families.
Agencies and services to support parents and carers in vulnerable situations
Somerset Directory of services: Wellbeing Options Links to a range of services supporting physical, social and emotional needs across the area.
Somerset SENDIAS Signposts to organisations, services, support, activities and groups for children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs.
Citizens Advice Somerset Independent charity that provides free, impartial advice and information on a range of issues including housing, employment and debt.